Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “vim”
September 25, 2023
Vim Substitution
vim substitution is one tool any advanced vim user should know. Basically, vim substitution is similar to search and replace used on other file editors but vim goes much further than just searching and replacing files and characters. For anyone who creates bash scripts and edits a ton of config files like myself, will attest to the need to comment and uncomment many lines at a time.
I’ll start with the basic uses of substitution and go into the more meaty commands as we go along.
November 1, 2022
Vim Plugins Setup
As of right now I have been using pathogen as my vim plugin manager for a few years now. It took a little setup but is massively trivial to add new plugins or bundles as pathogen calls them.
My current vimrc and vim files can be found at my github vim repo.
My .vimrc file is currently sitting at 182 lines but most of those are comments. The most important thing to setup pathogen is by adding execute pathogen#infect() somewhere in your .
May 25, 2022
Save a File as Sudo Without Exiting Vim
I have often opened a file which I did not first run as sudo in vim, edited the file, then to only find out that it is in read-only mode. I would then have to close the file then re-open it as superuser then make the changes needed. I found this to be very frustrating and found out there are several ways to get the file edited by inserting commands in command-mode using vim.