Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “git”
December 8, 2023
How to Upgrade Gitea
Updating gitea is a simple as replacing the binary in /usr/local/bin/gitea.
Stop the gitea service $ sudo systemctl stop gitea
Move the current binary from gitea to gitea.old just in case things break. $ sudo mv /usr/local/bin/gitea /usr/local/bin/gitea.old
Use wget to get the the current version: example -> This is not the latest version, this is just an example. cd ~/Downloads && wget
Change the name of the file from gitean-x.
December 12, 2022
Gitea Setup and Install on Ubuntu 20.04 and Others
After an exhaustive exercise of finger tapping on my keyboard and several attempts to clear my head by walking away from the computer, I have finally setup a Gitea instance. Following the how-tos online seemed simple enough. Follow the steps, install a user, setup permissions, download a file and bam you are good to go. But that is the furthest from the truth for my experience. I have followed what seemed to be ten different how-tos that somehow seem to differ even between the same distro install.
June 2, 2022
Custom Git Commit Push Alias
I normally don’t create nor use tons of aliases in my .bashrc file. I have a few that tweak how grep and ls show color in the prompt and others where I can change directory by typing .. or … which perform cd ../ and cd ../../ respectively, but because of my roaming nature, where I bounce around from one computer/server to another where it may or may not have a configured .
June 1, 2022
Git Init Pull
Creating a new git repo is a little more involved than one that is already setup but here are the simple steps to get one rolling. I prefer to use SSH over HTTPS due to security and ease of use from the command line.
Setup We need to first do a few things to make a commit as easy as possible.
Create a ssh key if you haven’t already. This will be placed in ~/.